The White Room Remix
Styling by Alessandra Kingsford
Photography by Neva Crystall
And what if we use our remix colors in a complete white setting..Books and strapped spheres from the loft, in a prefab designed by Scarlet Creative.
Stylish sofa's and soft wool rugs, white leather sidetables, tray with vase, all from The Loft.
The wood coffee table is designed by What Next.
From LeeZu we used the table lamp to light up our room.
The unique circle shelf was found at The Loft, and the antler deco at M&M Creations.
The vase with lilies, candles, floor lamp and the stylish "pied-de-terre" chaise are all designed by What Next.
The modern fireplace was found at ARIA.
Neutral cactus, sparkle artwork and incence burner are from UrbanizeD.
In the tree ( comes with the house ) are jar lanterns designed by Winter Thorn for What Next.
The wall art above the bed, and the bed itself, are designed by MudHoney. Do note we used textures on the bed from inSight Design.
The wall tattoo and the decorative mannequin are both from UrbanizeD. The grey phone on the desk comes from What Next.
All other items around the desk, and the desk itself, are all from The Loft.
The leather side tables with wooden birds on top, along the very stylish yellow chairs are all from The Loft.